Frequently Asked Questions
How can I register my vehicle in South Dakota?
The helpful staff at the Lawrence County Treasurer’s Office are available M-F 8am-5pm. 605-578-1862. You don’t have to be in South Dakota, and can get the process started right over the phone. Remember, South Dakota does not require vehicle inspections!
Is there anything else I can use my new address through SDRC for?
South Dakota can become your new state of residence and where you can now register to vote, license and register your vehicle. The state of South Dakota will be considered your new tax domicile (no state income tax in South Dakota!).
Can my business use my new SDRC mailbox?
Yes. We will help you complete this process, which is the initial step in bringing your company to South Dakota.;p>
I hear South Dakota has the best trust laws in this country. How can I get started with estate planning?
Your new physical address will look like the one below when you sign up for a digital mailbox service with us at the South Dakota Residency Center.
Jane Doe
41 W. Highway 14, PMB 1
Spearfish, SD 57783
Private companies offering mailbox rental services to individuals and businesses are considered commercial mail receiving agencies (CMRA). Addresses on mail received at a CMRA must adhere to specific requirements in the use of their private mailbox number (PMB).
Can I purchase a firearm using this new South Dakota address?
With your new physical address containing a PMB, you will not be able to purchase a firearm directly from a gun shop or major retail outlet that sells firearms, such as Cabela’s. The ATF has enacted strict guidelines for the purchasing of firearms by people using Commercial Mail Receiving Agencies. If you would like to purchase a firearm, consider the secondary market.
Can I just walk in to the DMV or do I need an appointment?
You can walk into a Driver’s License office in any town in South Dakota that has a driver’s license office to get a South Dakota driver’s license. However, if your current driver’s license is expired, a written test is required and you will need an appointment. Keep in mind that most driver’s license offices in South Dakota are closed on Monday’s and if doing a walk-in, be sure to go early in the day as walk-ins are often not allowed in later afternoon. To make an appointment to get a South Dakota driver’s license, go online to https://dps.sd.gov.
Do you have any information on homeschooling?
If you are homeschooling your children while traveling, you can stop in a school administration office to pick up a “public school exemption certificate” if you have established South Dakota residency. Or, you can get the certificate on the website, https://doe.sd.gov/. South Dakota requires a standardized test be given at the end of grades 4th, 8th and 11th. If you have questions about homeschooling as a South Dakota resident, you can contact Jill at the Spearfish School System administration office in Spearfish, SD at 605-717-1201.
Can I register my vehicle in South Dakota?
You may register your vehicles in South Dakota even before becoming a South Dakota resident. South Dakota is considered an “Open State” for vehicle registration. If you have questions about registering your vehicle(s) or RV, you can call the Lawrence County Treasurer’s Office at 605-578-1862.

Ready to start the process?
Sign up for our mail service now.
Or, contact us to begin at any step.